What is New: February 2024As of February 2024 TKCPH has passed their 2nd Licensing Board Exam and is now a Nationally Certified Clinical Massage Therapist & Bodyworker.
TKCPH officially became a LMT with full credentials in Feb 2022. TKCPH specializes in guiding & facilitating unique containers that integrate body-centered practices with psychological inquiry to explore the unconscious self(the Shadow Self) and how the body truly keeps the record/score of our past experiences. We fully believe by engaging in bodywork alongside therapeutic exploration of the psyche, individuals can access deeper layers of their being, facilitating a holistic approach to healing that honors the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. |
CPH flows back from unplanned Hiatus! (Round 2)
What is New: March 2018
- Celtically Primal gained a Ko-fi Account. "If you enjoy my content, please consider supporting what I do" (Buy Me A Coffee??)
- Future Plogs currently in the development stage - Please Check Back Later for more content.
What is New: February 2018
- Nature's Office - Living a Fantasy Vol. 4 received an update and a new Plog Format.
- Prescribed Prairie Burns Plog Entry Posted under Nature's Offices
What is New: January 2018
- Armor Craft Shields and Sticks tab updated. New Photos and a SCA Heavy Shield Skill Share Link
- Smithing and Armor craft plog site created: celticallyprimalssmithingskillshare.blogspot.com/
- SCA Shield Craft Skill Share Plog entry posted. celticallyprimalssmithingskillshare.blogspot.com/2018/01/sca-shield-craft-skill-share.html
- Creation of the Celtically Primal's Top Shot Photography Tab - Just a little place for a taste of CP's love of Photography
What is New: October 2017
- New Heraldry Commission for Eric Greiner de Labarre (Heraldry Etch Tab)
- New Images added across the various galleries of the Reenactment Lifestyles Tab
What is New: September 2017
- The remaining Chapters (1-11) of the Living a Fantasy Plog have been relocated to cpplivingafantasyvolumeone.blogspot.com/. This should be the tales final relocation, but hopefully not its last revision. There is much to be altered now that so much time has passed since the feelings behind the project have had a chance to settle and reflect.
What is New: August 2017
New Hooping Projects!!!
"Midnight with the Trees" and "Hooping For the Trees" are both up and posted in seven clip segments on Celtically Primal's Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauf0w5AoffCEvCvqNdsvGQ/videos
The following are featured onsite under the Hoop Dancing Tab
Celtically Primal's Plog
The hope is to free up more portfolio storage and to organize the websites a bit better to reflect where this Massive Work in Progress has shifted into as creation continues.
New Hooping Projects!!!
"Midnight with the Trees" and "Hooping For the Trees" are both up and posted in seven clip segments on Celtically Primal's Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauf0w5AoffCEvCvqNdsvGQ/videos
The following are featured onsite under the Hoop Dancing Tab
- Hooping for the Trees - Clip 5 - DragonSong's Sound Check
- Midnight with the Trees - Clip 5 - Rocky Road to Dublin ft. Vadriel King
- Hooping for the Trees - Clip 6 - DragonSongs' Chance
- Fire Dancing to DragonSong's Samadhi
- Hooping for the Trees - Clip 7 - DragonSong's Barefoot in Muntenia
Celtically Primal's Plog
- Continuing the long task of relocating the Living a Fantasy - Britannia Faire Story Line to Blogspot.
- Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 have already been relocated to cpplivingafantasyvolumeone.blogspot.com/
The hope is to free up more portfolio storage and to organize the websites a bit better to reflect where this Massive Work in Progress has shifted into as creation continues.
CPH flows back from life's mandatory Hiatus!!! (Round 1)
What is New: February 2016
Rover's Lullaby Hoop Video uncovered from Rockford City Market - Uploaded to Hoop Dancing Tab
Armoring Tab created, reformatted from the late Leather and Metal Working Tab
Celtically Primal's Plog
Rover's Lullaby Hoop Video uncovered from Rockford City Market - Uploaded to Hoop Dancing Tab
Armoring Tab created, reformatted from the late Leather and Metal Working Tab
- Armor Project --> Coat of Plates Pt. 1, reformatted from the late Skill Share Blog Page
- Armor Project --> Coat of Plates Pt. 2, written and posted
Celtically Primal's Plog
- Began the long task of relocating the Living a Fantasy - Britannia Faire Story Line
- Look for this and others tales at www.celticallyprimalsplog.weebly.com
What is New: January 2016
Christmas Commissions: A Glass Etching Update
- Sprite Stitch Page: Display Update
- Woodland Wonder- Papercraft Picture Framed (Woodworking Tab)
- 5 New Coyote Greeting Cards- (Paper Craft Tab)
Christmas Commissions: A Glass Etching Update
- Kohaku's Fairy Bottle (Fantasy Etch Tab)
- Chainmail Dragon Bottle (Fantasy Etch Tab)
- Harry Potter Potion Glasses (Fantasy Etch Tab)
- Anlon's Penguin Milk Jug (Primal Etchings Tab)
- Gwearen's Primal Mug (Primal Etchings Tab)
- Scottish Terrier Mug Set (Primal Etchings Tab)
- Hunting and Fishing Mug (Personalized Glass Tab)
- Mizpah/Watchtower Bottle (Personalized Glass Tab)
- The Climbers Mug Set (Personalized Glass Tab)
- Floral Candle Holders (Gift Glass Tab)
- Personalized Jedi Mug (War of the Stars Tab)
- New Mooncalled Plateware (Mooncalled Tab)
- Heraldic Bear Mug (Heraldry Tab)
- Wenger Heraldry Mug Set (Heraldry Tab)
- Springwood Forest Tilted Tavern Tip Jar (Heraldry Tab)
- Sirilay's Best Cider Jar (Heraldry Tab)
- Pirate Bottle (Heraldry Tab)
- Investiture Heraldry Bottles (Heraldry Tab)
What is New: December 2015
Greeting Card Page- New Organization and Display Update
Greeting Card Page- New Organization and Display Update
- Christmas Cards 2015 (Greeting Cards Tab)
- -->Completed two styles of card: Colorful Scrap Paper Trees and Fun with Inking: A Winter Scene.
- Stormtrooper Scout (War of the Stars Tab)
- Alcohol Apothecary - Lego Style (Gamer Glass Tab)
- Captain America - Lego Style (Gamer Glass Tab)
- Super Mario Brother's Bottles (Gamer Glass Tab)
- Sweet Fire Mario Bottle and Recipe (Gamer Glass Tab)
What is New: November 2015
- New Fire Hooping video uploaded. Captured November 2015. Hooping to Arkona's Korochun and the beginning of Injunity's Soar
What is New: October 2015
Glass Etching Update
Glass Etching Update
- Armorer's Mug for Cliffside Armory (Heraldry Tab)
- Drinking Bottles for Darque (Heraldry Tab)
- Simple Heraldry - Wenger Mug (Heraldry Tab)
- Sir Mauruk's Mead Jug (Heraldry Tab)
- Melted Glass Spoon Rest (Mooncalled Tab)
- Bottles Thrice (Commissioned Challenges Tab)
- Pica's Bottle (Commissioned Challenges Tab)
- Asgard Wedding Bottle (Commissioned Challenges Tab)
- Wedding Plate (Gift Glass Tab)
- Dr. Who Themed Wedding Bottle (Fantasy Etch Tab)
- Tree Mugs (About the Nature Tab)
What is New: September 2015
New website created devoted to plogging. Slowly moving all Living a Fantasy Chapters there. CelticallyPrimalsPlog.weebly.com
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 16 - Reoccurring Damage
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 17 - Reality Checkmate
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 18 - Oil-Line Road-Access Portal-Repair
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 19 - An Unexpected Return
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 20 - The Faire Finale
Achievement Unlocked!!! --> Living a Fantasy Volume 1: Britannia Faire, Rough Draft Complete!
New website created devoted to plogging. Slowly moving all Living a Fantasy Chapters there. CelticallyPrimalsPlog.weebly.com
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 16 - Reoccurring Damage
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 17 - Reality Checkmate
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 18 - Oil-Line Road-Access Portal-Repair
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 19 - An Unexpected Return
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 20 - The Faire Finale
Achievement Unlocked!!! --> Living a Fantasy Volume 1: Britannia Faire, Rough Draft Complete!
What is New: May 2015
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 13- April Fools Work Weekend - April 17th
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 14- Bandit Camp Revive - April 22nd
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 15- Tavern Yard Reform - April 27th
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 13- April Fools Work Weekend - April 17th
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 14- Bandit Camp Revive - April 22nd
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 15- Tavern Yard Reform - April 27th
- New Baby Mario and Yoshi onesie (SpriteStitch Tab)
- The Narnian Den photos added (Set/Interior Design Tab)
What is New: April 2015
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 12 - The Season's End - April 15th
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 11- A Wound Down Day in the Life -April 7th
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 12 - The Season's End - April 15th
Living a Fantasy: Britannia Faire Blog Chapter 11- A Wound Down Day in the Life -April 7th
- Interior Design Photos- A Glance at past Living/Den Spaces where my Character Created Surrounding (Set/Interior Designer Tab)
- Scouting the Trails Blog Update - A Scout Trip with Girl Scout Troop 361 (Scouting the Trails Tab)
- New Sprite Stitch Photos - Gifts from the latest holiday season (SpriteStitch Tab)
- Additional Greeting Cards posted- Christmas Cards of 2014 and results from a new inking project. (Paper Craft--> Greeting Cards Tab)
- New Paper Craft Photo Book Project posted (Paper Craft--> Crafts of Paper Tab)
- Updated Etched Glass Tabs (Personalized, Gift, Commission, and Celtic Tabs)
- Reenactment Tab Creation --> SCA Heavy, Fencing, and Dagorhir Kits, personal captures, and descriptions
- Most Tabs have undergone new organization and display methods